Presenting... our new site!

Welcome to our new website!

What started as a small update project turned into a total refresh of Flow Pilates & Wellness! I couldn’t be happier with how the website turned out.


I met Amanda Sewell in a business Mastermind five years ago. Fast forward a few years later - I reached out to Amanda with some website function questions, and here we are! Amanda has an intuitive ability to design websites that are beautiful and functional. Her approach to design is similar to how I work with clients - collaborative and supportive. It was such a great experience working with her. You can check out her work here.

Since being accepted to Osteopathy school this past winter, I have wanted to streamline my offerings and programs. This new site allowed me to do just that! I have simplified the monthly memberships for new clients and continue to specialize in private and duet sessions.


What’s new in the studio?

  • In-studio private sessions resumed on February 9th. Duets will hopefully start back up when we receive further information from the Alberta government. Updated studio policies can be found here.

  • GYROKINESIS® and Pilates private and duet sessions continue to be offered online.

Online courses - Coming Soon:

Three new online programs will be offered this year. All three are designed for all levels and are 4 weeks long. Watch for the launch of the first course, Align & Restore in the Spring!


*note: I will be offering a bonus for anyone who pre-registers their interest in the online courses.

If you are new subscriber you can subscribe below. (If you already receive my newsletter you can also update your preferences by clicking the button below). Be sure to check off the “Online courses” option to be the first to know when they launch!

The return of the blog… Is there anything you would like to learn about? Send me your questions and thoughts, and I’ll include them in an upcoming post.

Curl up with a mug of tea or coffee, put your feet up and take a peek around the site. Let me know what you think!




Disclaimer: The content of this blog is for informational purposes only, and is the sole property of Flow Pilates & Wellness. I am not a doctor or a registered dietician, and this blog’s content is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your exercise routine or diet. The content of this blog may contain links to other websites. Flow Pilates & Wellness is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.

GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.